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October 07, 2006


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Do you know, what it feels like for a girl; yep, Madonna's been everywhere yet again.

Re: Men are the New Women I'll take anything that either prevents or slows the progress or changes attitudes towards sexual harassment but it is a bit offensive to
me that now that it has begun to happen to men-our society has begun to take notice. Of course minorities of varying kinds get that it is a power issue rather than a sex issue-because it has happened to us! The powerful conservatives who don't get it are the ones who are doing the harassing-they don't want to talk about it as a power issue because it
shows how they abuse theirs and will do anything to keep it, nor do they want to be censured for something they have been doing for thousands of years as it tells them they are wrong. So I'm all for a men's movement but I'd like to have someone admit that they are years late and that it sucks to be in the position of being harassed and not really being able to do much about it because when you do YOU are actually dragged through the mud. Guys-happy to have you, welcome to our world. In the interest of full disclosure though I have never been sexually harassed (thank god).

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