It's a strange political time - I don't think I realized quite what winning meant when it first happened; but indeed it is as if the world is righting (no pun intended) itself, and part of that sea change is making politics less all-encompassing than it has been the past six years.
Of course, any breaking news could completely upset that theory, but I'm struck by how quiet the news boards and political blogs are. Not much is happening (save for Iraq, and that has been careening headlong to disaster for a while, and is really beyond anyone's control), and even hard core activists admit there's just not much to say.
So it may be time to just pick an issue... and what I've discovered is - I don't really have one.
I'm afraid I was all about the whole Inside Baseball thing, to be honest, and now that things are, well, real, I got... nuthin. Big ol' nuthin'.
Well, not really. Over the next few days, barring something calamitous (like a new worst song, or Britney exposing herself - again - or more opportunities to talk about Gene Tierney or Hedy Lamarr), I think I'll try and explore a few pressing issues, like housing, health care, education and such. This is new territory for me, and I'm sure you'll let me know if I mess up... JUST KIDDING. We all know you never leave comments - except for Kate, RedStar, J in Balto (with the bionic ear), Chrystal and Jenn... but y'all want to talk about hair and clothes and bad eighties bands with me. I have a mind you know (I'm more than my ample bosom). And I know you do too. So share thoughts, or give me a pressing topic to investigate - ideas welcomed.
Perhaps you could comment on my posts on TPM Cafe, as I've apparently cowed all the talking heads over there. No comments again! People are scared of the poor! :(
Posted by: leigh | November 30, 2006 at 06:29 PM