Just a few random, possibly fun things:
- As I mentioned podcasts before, I wanted to add that one of my favorites - Next Big Hit (a weekly compilation of new music) has a "B Side" mix of more mid-tempo music that they call "perfect for relieving after work stress," which indeed it was, and I loved the selection of music. They do other B-side mixes as well, all interesting. Give it a try.
- Just a random thought about torture (I was catching up on an old article in GQ about Abu Ghraib), as I was working out at the gym - do you suppose that people into bondage and domination might be able to withstand certain torture methods? I mean, if you like being tied up in uncomfortable positions to begin with, would it really be torture to be put into an uncomfortable position when tied to a chair, say? Should we be recruiting B&D enthusiasts for spying? Just wondering out loud...
- RedStar is back in New Orleans and has some interesting thoughts posted... as well as a threat to stop posting "personal stuff" (or starting a separate blog) which I am opposed to - we are whole people, our blogs should be Whole Blogs. That's just me.
- Speaking of Whole Blogs - Kate has a horror story about shipping via UPS. We feel ya, girl. :)
Redstar owns a separate domain name now in the interest of censorship in the interest of getting funded in our prudish little world. At a minimum I'm going password protected on some content.
Stay tuned, and look to TPM Cafe for an upcoming post on poverty and pop change in LA since Katrina.
Posted by: leigh | November 29, 2006 at 06:19 PM