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April 27, 2007


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Dear Ms. Weber,
I was always taught that an analyst could manipulate numbers to make any point he or she wanted. But I have never seen anyone manipulate fashion history in the way that you have done-and I agree with Weboy that all your points are so very incorrect.

I have never been a size 2 and haven't been a 4 or 6 since I was in college 20 years ago. I've even gone has high as a 16 (!) but I am back to being an 8 or 10 and quite happy with who I am and what I look like. I have NO trouble buying clothes. I am what one might call a collector, in fact. I have pieces from Chanel, Lanvin (from Barneys, actually), Ralph Lauren, Donna Karan as well as Banana Republic and H&M plus everything in between. Even at a 16 I was able to buy ultra high end desingers-I have a size 14 Donna Karan jacket that is so beautiful and complicated that my excellent tailor cannot take it in and I won't be able to wear it again. So Ms. Weber obviously you know not of what you speak.

Second, this supposed controversy to me is quite silly. A) Skeletal models are extremely unattractive and they will fade away becasue of it-fashion will take its natural course and everything has a fashion (models included). B) Agreeing with Weboy clothes look better on thin models and the fashion shows and ads are really designed to sell clothes which, don't anyone kid herself IS the point of all this. Or the bottom line if you'll forgive a pun of sorts. Manufacturers or designers (if you want to give them a more glamourous name) are all in business to make money-and why shouldn't they.
And third, though for me the most important-perhaps instead of berating the models or the industry we could somehow begin to teach or show people to feel good about who they are and what they look like no matter what their size. When my size 8 body goes shopping I NEVER think, "Oh I'll never look like Shalom Harlow (my favorite model) so I must be worthless"- what kind of crap is that?!?!?! I think, "Ooh look at this beautiful dress, if it fits me I"m buying it" then I start to think about what shoes and accessories I will use to adorn it. But, if it doesn't fit me I do not beat up on myself-I just don't buy it and move on to the next beautiful piece out there-there are millions to choose from (or I decide if my tailor can do something to make it fit and a great tailor is much more important than any couturier!)

Manhattan women tend to be much below the national average for weights and sizes, partially because of the immigration Weboy mentions and partially becasue we walk so much-I bought a size small in the Gap pieces you mentions too and I am not anywhere near 5'11". As an aside the Gap collection is not only a brilliant continuation of a trend that lesser priced stores are getting into (i.e., H&M with Karl Lagerfeld and Stella McCartney etc., and Target with all its designers) but the quality of the fabrics and the design integrity is really fabulous! I love my two dresses and love the cover of Vogue because it is incredibly beautiful and becasue THAT is how real women dress. We mix designer with non-designer or high with low or dressed up and dressed down. One of my favorite outfits involves my Chanel pants with my Karl Lagerfeld for H&M top (I always smile at the irony of it). And I do acknowledge that I am, thank G-d, in a place that allows me to buy Chanel pants among other things and that not all women can do that. So I should amend my thought to say, that is how real women dress-its the mix not the size.

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