Because he cares, via Popbitch:
Eastenders' Michelle Ryan scores the lead role in the re-make of the Bionic Woman. The show is much praised and secures a prime-time run on NBC. In the show Michelle is a super-fit tennis pro, who gets a $50 million bionic body after a sky-diving accident, which gives her super-strength.
Executives from other networks and at least one top casting agent have been heard gossiping this week about Michelle's "massive weight problem". Because, of course, a sportswoman should look just like Nicole Richie. Women just can't win in LA.
a friend sent a clip from youtube too...for the record, while I am using an old Lindsay Wagner pic for my flickr i.d. icon, because I love its retro campy cheeziness, I am not THAT interested in the new version of the old BW series. Really. Well, mostly. Only slightly curious if it's going to be the Buffy knockoff it appears at first glance.
Posted by: jinbaltimore | May 24, 2007 at 04:43 PM