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October 24, 2007


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If you'd read my comment on the Prospect article, you'd see I'm well aware of my ancient status! I was all "grain of salt" and patient encouragement to the young whippersnappers! (Though I refrained from condescendingly reminding the author that she was 23 and would grow out it.)

generalizing the generations is nothing new...your blind spot here is that you do the same thing when crediting the boomers for the impulse

I'm not "crediting the boomers" for generational analysis - demographics didn't start, and doesn't end, with them (though I grant, like so many things, they act as if they invented it; what I do think the Boomers brought to the "generational analysis" biz, though, is this sense that there's constant tension between and among generations. I think that's especially true of Boomers and, say their parents generation; but Gen X, Gen Y and the most recent group all seem to have a l;ack of intergenerational tension that may be remarkable... but I think is more the norm than not.

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