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August 20, 2008


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"I think Obama has struggled to gain ground, not because race is a barrier to making progress, but because he's made this so personal, so much about believing not in a cause... but in him. And not believing, in him, has to be about rejecting who he is, not what he believes or proposes to do (if, really, we knew what any of that was)."


Great post. Now go!!

I'll be mulling this one for some time...

This is a great post on a hard topic.

"I don't think the Obama campaign has helped this conversation lately by more or less implying that on some level the McCain appeal to white voters plays to race. "

Nor did the Obama supporters online help the conversation by making "You're a racist" about the second or third move in any discussion with somebody who supported [not Obama], and didn't want to hear about their personal conversion narrative.

Nor did Obama help matters by (in essence) calling for a national conversation on race in his Philly speech, and then never following through when the Wright matter cooled off.

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