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May 17, 2012


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Beautifully written friend. I might add more anecdotes later, but for now I will just write about the Hippo in Baltimore at one of those insanely packed Oldies Tea Dances after Gay Pride Day - was it 1988? 89? You and I had just begun on, geez what has become a 20+ years friendship. We knew we had somethings in common, but were only just discovering that one was the dance floor.

Then came the 6th bar of Bad Girls' toot toot hey beep beep portion and that tiny drumroll...and we both shimmied in exactly the same way! And we've really not stopped dancing since.

Oh, and that year in NY I wouldn't stop playing Conte Partiro...pratiti pratiti basu!

I remember you playing Conte Partiro. Over and over and over. First thing in the morning and last thing at night. That was around Christmas '99.

Through Christmas '00. :P

Well I read about Miss Donna and thought of you guys. Hope you're well.


P.S. Whenever I hear No More Drama: the pre-dawn drive to Rehobeth, you two putting on a dance routine in the front street, windows open...

P.P.S. I'm still sober. 5 years. Life's great.

toot toot

Great to hear from you Scotia! and congrats on the 5 years!

I still get to youtube through the link to your old channel!

Still posing for potential roommates? ; )

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