Watching Josh Hawley furiously backpedal is, yes, hilarious, especially given that "white power" salute that got snapped just shortly before the mob descended on the Capital. But really... what else can he do? "In for a penny, in for a pound" has rarely been so true even in someone so literal.
Hawley's been stunningly lackluster at least since he managed to steamroll his way into winning Missouri's Attorney General seat, where he proceeded, we now know, to largely outsource the running of his office so he could focus on his next Big Prize, ousting Claire McCaskill from the Senate seat she'd managed, better than most, to hold onto in squeakers, largely by being down to Earth and moderate. It's safe to say Hawley's not that, and it's a measure of McCaskill's class that up until January 6th, she never spoke a word against him in public. The more telling thing, of course, is she had no need to say anything at all. The contrast was obvious.
Hawley's surfed the waves of the Trump years as well as anyone, setting himself up as the New Guard of Trumpism, whatever that was supposed to mean... which, now if not sooner, clearly means next to nothing. Obsequious, fawning, and keen to parrot any Trump position, Hawley got his wish to be an essential member of the Trumpist GOP, a great reminder to be careful what you wish for.... and to be really specific with the genie when he shows up from the lamp. Also, just a reminder: Everything Trump touches, dies.
There are plenty of people enraged about Hawley, his actions, his behavior in the aftermath, his endlessly smarmy demeanor. I find myself more bemused than enraged - I think it's maybe a function of age, watching someone so young make such poor, obviously regrettable choices, oblivious to even the mildest exhortations of "no, stop, don't..." Ted Cruz, for all his blunderbuss self aggrandizement, does appear capable of at least a small amount of shame. Hawley, it seems, never meant a mistake he couldn't compound.
Even that foolish fist up salute is so determinedly, self consciously silly; it's the fratboy version of finding a cause, that level of distinction between fighting for justice and fighting for your right to party that separates the serious from the poseur. It's Hawley's knitted brow and crinkled forehead (did no one let him in on the secret of Botox?) that elicit the giggles. He thinks... apparently, he thinks this is what "gravitas" looks like. And... Oh, dear. And deep behind those vacant, vacuous stares that his smile never reaches, it just seems clear he knows... this isn't really working.
'The Republican Caucus of the House has any number of these unserious types - Lauren Boebert, of course, has outdone herself as a shrill stalker of the spotlight, but from Kevin "you know we can see you" McCarthy to Jim "shirtsleeves suggest passionate intensity" Jordan to Louie Gohmert and on down the line... gerrymandering and a willingness to say anything makes for ludicrous times there. But Hawley has leapfrogged a number of Senators in his race to the bottom, or I suppose he thinks... top. It's hard, finding a space to the right of Mike Lee and Rand Paul... so I suppose, well, that's something, anyway.
Today, in addition to compounding his ongoing attempt to pretend He's Not In Hot Water, Hawley managed to make himself (along with Lee) one of only two Senators who didn't think rejecting a well liked African American four star General might look, well, tone deaf. Hawley will, surely, manage to cast himself as the only Republican rejecting all of Biden's appointments and, well... it's a plan I suppose. Still, it's wildly out of step with the moment, but as securing the Trump base goes...
I suspect, really, that Hawley's brilliant plan is positioning himself as Trump's potential 2024 VP pick. Perhaps someone should tell him that's not going to happen... but why ruin a good show? Hawley's near pathological fealty to the Crazy Town portion of the Trump Sycophancy is just astonishingly beyond what anyone else would even think of as worth doing. And sure, it's hard arguing Biden is an illegitimate president while arguing in the next breath that you were just raising "legitimate concerns" about election operations... but why let that stop you? When you've been coasting, primarily, on wholesome good looks and a willingness to say anything the hard right wants to hear, your problem isn't internal coherence. No, your problem is that the last bus left Crazy Town without you on it. If Hawley doesn't commit to making himself King of the place he got himself stuck, he really does have just about nowhere to go.
Hawley's delusions of turning his Mayor of Crazy Town shtick into a presidential run may yet come to pass; stranger, and worse candidates have had their moment. But it may be hard to get that on track with a Senate Ethics inquiry breathing down your neck, a post presidential impeachment that could implode your lodestar, and a set of political positions just slightly to the left of survivalists in the outskirts of Idaho. It's hard to tell, at the moment, whether Hawley is just running for his next dream job, running from his ultimate comeuppance, or just, you know, dancing as fast as he can, because the real terror in his eyes lies in not knowing what might happen when he stops. And yet... why... why do they always run?
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